Article #6

One of the finalists: The Hagia Sophia
New World Wonders: Which one would you chose?
GENEVA, Switzerland -- A global competition to name the new seven wonders of the world is attracting widespread interest, with more than 40 million people voting so far, organizers say.
The Egyptian pyramids are the only surviving structures from the original list of seven architectural marvels and will be an honorary member of the new list. Long gone are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the statue of Zeus at Olympia, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes and the Pharos lighthouse off Alexandria. Those seven were deemed wonders in ancient times by observers of the Mediterranean and Middle East.
Candidates for the new list have been narrowed down to 20, including the Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty, Taj Mahal and Peru's Machu Picchu. The public can vote until July 6 by Internet or phone. The seven winners will be announced July 7 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Choosing world wonders has been a continuing fascination over the centuries. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, or UNESCO, keeps updating its list of World Heritage Sites, which now totals 830 places.
The ''New 7 Wonders of the World'' campaign was begun in 1999 by Swiss adventurer Bernard Weber, with almost 200 nominations coming in from around the world.
Weber's Switzerland-based foundation aims to promote cultural diversity by supporting, preserving and restoring monuments. It relies on private donations and revenue from selling broadcasting rights.
In addition to the Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal and Machu Picchu, the finalists are the Acropolis; Statue of Liberty; Turkey's Haghia Sophia; the Kremlin and St. Basil's Cathedral; the Colosseum; Germany's Neuschwanstein Castle; Stonehenge; Spain's Alhambra; the Great Wall; Japan's Kiyomizu Temple; the Sydney Opera House; Cambodia's Angkor; Timbuktu; Petra, Jordan; Brazil's Statue of Christ Redeemer; Easter Island; and Chichen Itza, Mexico.

Construction plays a major part in everyones lives, the article above demonstrates the importance of architecture in the world. Architecture has been around for centuries, and has always been important in the lives of man-kind as history has proven with the all time famous "7 wonders of the ancient world". The competition for the search of the new "7 wonders of the modern world" brings to our attention the development of architecture and construction since the ancient world. It has become clear that structures we build become landmarks and attractions to certain places. With so many people being involved in the voting for the search of the new 7 wonders, shows us that the work within the construction industry is greatly appreciated all over the world, and will continue that way for many more centuries to come.

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