The Topkapi Palace in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Imperial Gate to the Palace.
One of the buildings situated within the Palace walls. The wide eaves are to note with the extravagent detailing in the Islamic style.
Note the geometric shapes used for decoration, geometry is an important part of Islamic Architecture.
The entrance to the Harem quarters within the Palace, which faces the Golden Horn in the Bosphorus.

The rich detailing of the entrance to one of the seperate buildings within the Palace.
The Topkapi Palace was the administrative center of the Ottoman Empire from 1465 to 1853. Topkapi Palace was more than just the private residence of the Sultan and his court. It was the seat of the supreme executive and judiciary council, the Divan and the training school, the Palace School. In the First Courtyard, there were a hospital, bakery,arsenal, a state mint, a part of the treasury and the Outer Service. It was open to public. The Second Courtyard was open to people who had business with the council. The Third Courtyard was reserved to the Sultan's household and palace children. The Fourth Courtyard was exclusively reserved for the Sultan's use.
For a 360 degrees virtual tour of the Palace and its rooms:
This website will also provide you with other information such as opening hours of the museum and a detailed historical background.

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